Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Playing Professional Football Strengthening Drills

The Proper Way to Catch a High Football

High pass occurs, and as a receiver you should be ready for something unexpected. Because the various passes that you may receive here are some basics of catching a high pass: The first and most important is that you extend your arms and your hands stay together in the form of a diamond to catch that football. Do not ever caught or tried to catch the ball with your body, especially the high ball.

Once you have your hands around the ball, not taking his eyes from the ball properly but to follow the tuck.
Ball handling drill: "Hot potato"

Without a strong foundation handling the ball players will be easy prey for a solid defensive team. This drill is intended to help players control and develop the ball handling skills. Players will move the ball from one hand to another in different parts of their bodies. Simple drill and started with a football playerover their head, torso, arms, knees, and even between the legs from one party to another in constant motion.

Coaches can mix a drill by the body parts that the players shouting to begin circling the football, they also can change the direction of a moving ball with a call, "reverse". These changes will continue to move players from falling asleep, and ensure that you develop the skills to handle and not just muscle memory.

Learning the Basics of Catching Low Football Pass

Both the recipient and even running backs know how to make a big drama. Implementation of a football field starts with practice. Perfect and not so perfect scenarios should continue to run at soccer practice. Here are some secrets to making this catch. Here are some great base for a low catch. This ensures that the ball will not slip through your fingers. Second, keep your knees bent low and in extreme cases you should be flat on the ground or diving.


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